The Best Foods To Eat Before Your Workout At The Gym

There are many reasons that people like to go to the gym, from improving their general fitness and working out their cardiovascular system to gaining strength and muscle mass. However, what you do outside the gym for the rest of the day can play a more important role than the exercises you do during your workout. For example, our diets play a huge role in our health, and failing to eat to right stuff before the gym can impact how well you do during exercise leading to a change in your expected results. Here are some of the best foods you can eat before your workout to achieve your goals much more easily.
First off, we start with the champion of simple pre-workout foods. The humble banana. These essentially function as natural energy bars due to their high carbohydrate and potassium contents. These two nutrients improve the function of our nervous systems and muscles, allowing us to work harder for longer at the gym. As well as improving our muscle function, carbohydrates also help to provide energy for our brains, helping us to maintain focus and, in turn, our determination to power through the pain. Eating a banana with your breakfast or simply during your journey to the gym is a great idea to keep your energy up.
Fruit And Yoghurt
Like bananas, all other fruits contain carbohydrates, too, providing you with a similar energy boost. Whether you’re having a mixture of berries, apples, pears, or citrus fruit, these can all be combined perfectly with some delicious and refreshing Greek yogurt. Of course, you could choose a normal yogurt, but plain Greek yogurt is said to be healthier as it boasts nearly twice the amount of protein content, which, as you’ll know, is important for muscle growth and function. The great thing about carbohydrates is that your body will break them down quickly but release them slowly over the course of your workout. At the same time, protein is kept back and utilized by the body to prevent potential muscle damage and rebuild those muscles.
Nuts And Dry Fruit
Another great source of carbs and protein is a mixture of nuts and dried fruits. This tasty treat is often referred to as trail mix and also includes things like seeds and chocolate to enhance the taste. While not necessarily the healthiest of options in large quantities, you don’t actually need a lot of this to get a big hit of energy. Nuts contain a significant amount of protein, while the rest of the mixture is rich in carbohydrates and sugars to keep you going. It’s important to remember that nuts also contain a lot of fats, so be wary if you’re trying to keep trim.
Pre-Workout Supplement
Many people choose to instead use something known as a pre-workout supplement before hitting the gym. These products are typically powdered, either mixed into a drink or added to food. These work in a similar way to certain snacks you have before a workout but are arguably a stronger variation and a way to get the guaranteed energy you need for a long gym session. You can find many things in pre-workout supplements, and each supplement will contain slightly different ingredients. Here you can find out more information on pre-workout ingredients. The common ingredients include amino acids, carbohydrates, and creatine. Creatine is sometimes taken on its own, too, as this helps with energy production inside the muscles themselves.
Porridge Oats
This warming and hearty breakfast food may seem fairly bland, but it is a fantastic option for pre-workout food, as oats are packed with nutrients that are helpful in fueling the body. Due to their high fiber content, oats release their wealth of carbohydrates very slowly as they take slightly longer to break down. This means that you’ll have a much steadier release of energy over your workout, potentially helping you go for longer. This extra energy will help improve your overall workout and, in turn, give you the chance to see better results. Combine these with some other healthy ingredients like fruits and a drop of honey for a tasty and powerful pre-workout breakfast.
This warming and hearty breakfast food may seem fairly bland, but it is a fantastic option for pre-workout food, as oats are packed with nutrients that are helpful in fueling the body. Due to their high fiber content, oats release their wealth of carbohydrates very slowly as they take slightly longer to break down. This means that you’ll have a much steadier release of energy over your workout, potentially helping you go for longer. This extra energy will help improve your overall workout and, in turn, give you the chance to see better results. Combine these with some other healthy ingredients like fruits and a drop of honey for a tasty and powerful pre-workout breakfast.
Grilled Chicken Or Tofu
Many gym-buffs swear by chicken as protein food, and there’s a good reason for that. Chicken is a very clean and healthy food for building muscle. It contains a great number of carbohydrates and proteins to help replenish energy and rebuild muscles after working out, without containing much fat at all. Of course, another great option for someone who doesn’t eat meat would be something like tofu. While chicken does have almost double the amount of protein as tofu, it can be argued that tofu could be a healthier option due to the other nutrients like healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamins, and minerals. Combine either of these foods with iron-rich foods like spinach or broccoli and some baked sweet potato, and you’ve got yourself a delicious and healthy pre or post-workout meal to replenish your energy levels.