11 Ideas To Make an Ordinary Meal Extraordinary


Whether you religiously eat dinner every night with your family or host lunch every Sunday, ordinary meals can start to feel like a chore. However, it’s not difficult to add some excitement to your spread with a bit of creativity. Trying an entirely new dish or bringing out some unique and decadent desserts can spice up an otherwise dull meal.

If you’re on the hunt for a way to make your meal more exciting, keep reading.

1. Practice Cooking With Wine

Wine has a robust profile that can add some zest to many types of dishes. With a wide variety to choose from, it’s a great way to give your food an edge. If you have little ones, don’t worry. Proper preparation will cook the alcohol out of the dish without losing flavor. Get creative and try different regions, whites, reds, and sweet and dry varieties. Don’t forget to serve perfectly paired wine to complement your meal. 

2. Add Some Flowers & Sweets  

Sometimes, some color and sweetness are all it takes to add a whole new element to your table. Order FruitFlowers® from Edible Arrangements, and watch your family and guests light up. It’s impossible to look at gorgeous blooms and decadent chocolate-covered fruit without getting excited. Any day can be special with a display like this.

3. Invite Everyone To Participate

Instead of doing all the work yourself, host a make-your-own meal. This can be anything ranging from pizzas to tacos. As long as the ingredients are available and easy to work with, there’s no reason people of all ages can’t put together their own dish. It’s a great way to encourage others to explore their favorite flavors.

4. Create a Theme

The food you make doesn’t have to be decadent as long as the presentation is creative. Try hosting a themed night. Movies, colors, and regions are great inspirations for putting together a themed dinner. Try making only Indian foods or including only dishes from your child’s favorite film. 

5. Eat Outside

If you usually take your meals in the dining room, branch out and try moving to the backyard. You might even want to make it a party. Sometimes a breath of fresh air is all it takes to inject some intrigue into your feast. This is especially easy if you like to grill and have a table outside. Just don’t forget to pick up some citronella candles for the event.

6. Invite a New Guest

Meeting someone new is the perfect way to shake things up and bring different perspectives and conversations to the table. If you have the opportunity to reach out to a new neighbor or your child’s first school friend, don’t skip it. This is a great way to include others and create camaraderie.

7. Host a Crazy Dinner

This idea is great for parties but requires some planning. Pass out coded menus to the guests. Each word will represent a food item that only the cook knows, so when they place the order, they have no idea what they’ll get. Serve multiple courses and code everything, including the silverware. There’s nothing like watching someone try to eat spaghetti with a spoon.

8. Try an Opposites Night

Make an entire meal consisting of opposite flavors like sweet and sour or salty and spicy. These can be as wacky or mundane as you prefer, but it’s a great way to test new flavor combinations. You’ll likely be surprised by what combinations you can come up with. Plus, you never know what might be a hit among family or guests.

9. Include Some Education

Try making an unfamiliar dish and include some info about it with the meal. You can write it down on place cards or simply tell your guests about it before or after eating. Not only will this be an insightful way to engage with other cultures, but you’ll also have a new set of culinary skills to explore.

10. Make a Meal Entirely From Scratch

If you’ve spent your entire summer toiling away in your garden, put it to good use and make a meal created entirely from these elements. If you don’t have a garden, visit a farmer’s market and look up a few simple, home-style recipes. There’s no argument that a dinner cooked from scratch simply tastes best.

11. Share a Precious Recipe

Find an old cookbook of your grandmother’s or ask one of the guests what their favorite dish is. Then, surprise everyone by preparing it and sharing the story of why it’s precious to you. Food can bring us together and give us a reason to smile. You can honor others, here and gone, by passing along these incredible memories.

Final Thoughts

Meal times don’t have to be boring. A little inspiration and some great company are all it takes to make your dish memorable. Try out one of these fantastic ideas, and watch your guests or family have a meal they’ll never forget.

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